Search Results
Your search yielded 354 images
dettah colours 12x24.jpg
Fall colours against an old log cabin, Dettah NWT.
the cabin Watta Lake,...tif
Trapper's cabin at Watta Lake NWT
New growth in old burn area, Highway 3 NWT
townsite 1.jpg
mining heritage 1 cop...jpg
Mining composite
winter birch.tif
Grove of birch trees in winter
pick and shovel copy.jpg
giant headframe 2013 ...jpg
con tower from wool b...tif
Yellowknife's Con Tower head frame seen from...
Gameti ranger.tif
Ranger on snowmobile with flag
clowns and clouds.tif
Clowns and clouds at Folk on the Rocks.
the old headframe.tif
Old Giant Mine headframe Mining
powder high pass.tif
Powder car at mining display, Giant Mine...
fish for sale west ch...tif
West Channel Hay River
our bridge to nowhere...tif
Our bridge to nowhere across the Mackenzie River
fish for sale west ch...tif
Fish for sale in Hay River's West Channel.
water lilies 5.jpg
Yellow water lilies
Fort Smith float plan...tif
Small float plane prepares to take off from...
fish camp Wool Bay.tif
Commercial fishing boat at camp for the evening...
fall palette.tif
Birch tree in autumn
townsite copy.jpg
paint job.jpg
mining heritage 2 cop...jpg
Mining heritage composite
house with a view cop...jpg
Giant mine
Hold that wrecking ba...jpg
Residence at Giant Mine...due for demolition
headframe 2013 copy.jpg
giant head frame
headframe 2013 b&w co...jpg
Giant mine headframe
Giant mill pano copy.jpg
Mining, Giant mine mill
Giant headframe.jpg
giant elephant 2004.jpg
Giant townsite
Bludgeon Mines copy.jpg
a home copy.jpg
Mining, Giant Mine
rangers on parade 4.tif
Canadian Rangers on parade Yellowknife Bay
rangers on parade 2.tif
Canadian Rangers on parade Yellowknife Bay
rangers on parade 1.tif
Canadian Rangers on parade Yellowknife Bay
August moon.tif
Full moon rising over cabin
days past.tif
Derelict NTCL tug in drydock
old giant b&w.tif
Old truck at Giant Mine town site in...
our bridge to newhere...tif
Our ongoing bridge construction across the...
a giant pillow for yo...tif
Pillow Lava at the old Giant Minesite in...
Hall of the mountain ...jpg
The old Giant Mine headframe looms beside a...
the pond.tif
Pond at Mining Heritage Site at Giant Mine,...
water lilies 9.jpg
yellow water lilies
beer garden mahem 1.tif
Folk on the Rocks
tools of the trade co...jpg
prospector dave copy.jpg
mining heritage 3 cop...jpg
Mining heritage composite
giant window ledge co...jpg
Giant shoreline pano ...jpg
Giant Mine
Giant Mine 2010.jpg
Giant mine headframe